Hi Everyone -
It's been a while since I've written - seems like life gets in the way of creativity sometimes. Anyway, our Quilt Guild had Didi Salvatierra as a guest speaker yesterday - she was great and showed us some of her beautiful creations from jewelry to quilting to necklaces, etc., etc. She's really very talented and it was great seeing all of her beautiful artwork. She also taught a purse class on Friday night and Saturday morning using the Lazy Girl "Towne Purse" pattern. I forgot to take my camera to class so all I can show you is my purse - sorry!! I love this pattern. The inside is all finished before you put it together so there are no raw edges to cover. It also has 9 pockets and 1 or 2 on the outside. This is the first project I've finished in class - but I do have to add 4 decorative buttons on each side of the zipper ends. I made mine with short handles but you can use longer ones for a shoulder bag. I'll probably make this purse again - I can just imagine it in lovely summer florals!!
The pups are doing great but I have to really watch Duncan. He's my little escape artist!! He got out of the yard on Friday night just before I was to leave for class (of course) and was hot on the trail of a rabbit. He was zigzagging all over the place and rabbits were scattering everywhere!! Meanwhile, Hamish was back in the yard (good boy!) barking like crazy since he was missing all the fun. It took me about 15 minutes to corral Duncan and get him back home. He was pooped, to say the least, and slept all the time I was at class. The good thing about all this chaos is that I've lost 10 pounds!!!
Take care and keep smiling -