Monday, February 28, 2011

Fun with Friends

Hi Everyone -

Yesterday was Sundae Quilters day at my house - I just LOVE these gals. We always have such a great time sharing laughter and love of quilting. Everybody has been busy working on their projects and Nancy showed us her Old Tobacco Road quilt, a Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt - looks pretty awesome. She also showed her flannel Mittens quilt - cute, cute :o)

If you like red & white quilts, check out and see the vintage quilts that will be on display at the American Folk Art Museum in New York City in March - looks like a great show and it's FREE - can't beat that!!

Dutchess decided to catch some ZZZZZ's on "mommy" Fran's lap. She had a busy morning "helping" everybody with their quilting projects :o)

Hope you all have a great week and ---- keep smiling :o)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's Clean!!

My cutting table is cleaned off - finally!!! And here's the photo to prove it. Just my current project, which you can see on my design wall. Of course, you can't look in my storage cabinets :o) That will be my next project.
Have a great day and keep smiling!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


It's still winter here in south central PA - 6" of new snow last night. The pups are in their glory racing around the yard and "snuffling" under the snow - wish I had that enthusiasm. It is pretty, though, and with the bright blue sky, it's rather spectacular. Kudos to our plows - our road was clear this morning and is dry right now. Hubby had a haircut appointment this morning, so we went and did that and then decided to stop at Appleby's for lunch - yummy!! Now I'm heading downstairs to work on some quilting projects - photos will follow soon :o) I've also got in mind to CLEAN OFF MY CUTTING TABLE!!! Anyone who has been to my quilting room can attest to the fact that it's about time!!! I've got a couple of empty totes, so I think I'll gather all my UFO's and put them in these. Then I can find them when I'm ready for them - sound like a good idea??? I have to be careful to not fall under the "out of sight, out of mind" category, though. I'll keep you all posted on how much I get done :o)
Take care and keep smiling -

Monday, February 7, 2011

That Camera!!

Every time I get the camera out, it seems that the boys disappear. Here's a rare photo of them in their beds, but you can tell from the expression on their faces, and Duncan's avoidance of looking at me, that they wish I would just disappear!!