Hi Everyone - This weekend, my brother, sister-in-law and their dog, Pepper, came for a visit. What a fun time these pups have together. Duncan & Pepper are rough-and-tumble together and Hamish pretty much stays out of the way. He really adores Pepper but will only approach her when she's lying down for a rest. Then he sidles up to her head and just looks at her longingly, as if saying "I love you soooo much!!!" Of course, she could care less - oh, poor Hamish :o( And he's such a cute boy!! Pepper loves to chase the birds in our yard - she's got some pointer in her, I'm sure. She bounds across the back yard with delight and the birds scatter. They don't know what that ball of energy is coming at them - you see, they're used to two
little black bundles who can't even reach half-way up the fence - not much of a threat there. After a good game of "chase the birds" and "chase each other" a well deserved rest is in order!! That's Pepper at the top, Duncan and Hamish - they are right in front of the fans getting a good cool-down and nap - what a life!!
Hope you all have a good week - it's still hot here this morning and very humid, but the weatherman promises a cold front moving through this afternoon with some possible RAIN - oh, please, please, please - bring us that rain!! Keep smiling and enjoy your day -