Yes, I'm still here - can't believe where the time has gone. The garden is taking up my time as well as the normal daily routine. Now that I'm in the New Horizons Band (for those 50+), I've also added 30 minutes a day to practicing my trombone...and I'm happy to report that it's coming back :o) Anyway, I want to share a couple of photos with you. We have robins nesting in our front evergreen and also on the railing of our deck. It is so interesting to watch the nest building on the deck - first the nest is formed with twigs and grass, then a lining of mud, which is smoothed out as smooth as plaster, and then another lining of soft grasses. This is the result...
...what an engineering marvel!! Once the trumpet vine is completely leafed out, this nest will be virtually invisible.
And now, look what's inside...
We'll keep an eye on these eggs and try to help the parents keep their babies safe - first of all, from our boys, who have a tendency to chase anything that moves...and then from the neighborhood cats. With any luck, these three babies will survive and come back next year - maybe to nest here again.
Today is quilting day - I have three quilts to put on the long arm and get done for our guild show, which will be in July. Since it's a rainy day today, I don't feel guilty being inside. When it's nice, I like to be out in the garden playing in the dirt!!
Hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll try to keep you updated on our little family of robins. Take care and keep smiling -
Time does fly!! I knew I hadn't seen you around, but didn't realize it had been a month!!
It will interesting to watch the babies grow!
Oh how wonderful is it when nature comes so close! Keep us posted on this marvel please. :)
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